Expand source code
import click
from rugged.lib.config import get_local_configs
from rugged.lib.host_header import print_host_header
from rugged.lib.logger import get_logger
from rugged.lib.task_queue import run_task
from rugged.workers import get_workers
from tabulate import tabulate
log = get_logger()
help="Print the local config. Defaults to true, unless a worker is "
help="The specific worker from which to retrieve config. Can be passed "
"multiple times.",
def config_cmd(local, worker):
""" Print the config for a TUF repository. """
if local or not worker:
if local and not worker:
workers = get_workers(worker)
def _print_local_configs():
""" Print the local config for a TUF repository. """
configs = get_local_configs()
_print_configs('local operations', configs)
def _print_worker_configs(workers):
""" Print the workers' configs for a TUF repository. """
for worker in workers:
configs = run_task(worker, 'get_configs')
_print_configs(worker, configs)
def _print_configs(host, configs):
""" Print formatted configs for a given host. """
click.echo(f"=== Configuration for { host } ===")
print_host_header("Configuration", host)
print(tabulate(list(configs.items()), tablefmt="plain") + "\n")