Initialize TUF repo

In order to host TUF metadata using HSM-based root keys, we need to include those keys in root metadata and then add signatures from those HSMs.

This runbook contains multiple stages that will need to be accomplished by people serving in one of two roles:

  • The TUF Administrator is responsible for coordinating the process, and performing certain steps that involve interacting with Rugged directly.
  • The Key-holders are responsible for ensuring that the off-line root keys are kept secure, as well as using those keys to sign root metadata.

All participants should be familiar with Runbook notation.

Prepare the environment

  • DO Install Rugged on the Preparation computer

    • Check that Rugged is working as expected:
    ddev rugged
  • DO Create the directory in which Rugged will create partial root metadata:

    $ mkdir fixtures/tuf_repo/partial
    $ sudo chown 440 fixtures/tuf_repo/partial
    $ mkdir fixtures/tuf_repo/tmp
    $ sudo chown 440 fixtures/tuf_repo/tmp
  • DO Ensure that the following files do not exist:

    • fixtures/tuf_repo/partial/1.root.json
    • fixtures/tuf_repo/partial/signable-1.root.json

    We will generate these files in the following steps. So we want to confirm that we have a clean environment.

  • DO Ensure proper ownership of key directories:

    $ sudo chown 440 fixtures/signing_keys/ -R
    $ sudo chown 440 fixtures/verification_keys/ -R
  • DO Ensure that access to the repository that stores the artifacts that resulted from the key-generation ceremony

Generate online keys (TUF)

  • DO Generate the snapshot keypair:
    ddev rugged generate-keys --local --role=snapshot
  • DO Generate the targets keypair:
    ddev rugged generate-keys --local --role=targets
  • DO Generate the snapshot keypair:
    ddev rugged generate-keys --local --role=timestamp

Generate partial root metadata

  • DO Initialize new partial root metadata:

    ddev rugged initialize-partial-root-metadata
  • DO Add online verification keys:

    ddev rugged add-verification-key snapshot /var/rugged/verification_keys/snapshot/
    ddev rugged add-verification-key targets /var/rugged/verification_keys/targets/
    ddev rugged add-verification-key timestamp /var/rugged/verification_keys/timestamp/
  • DO Add HSM-generated verification keys:

    ddev rugged add-verification-key root /opt/rugged/root_pubkey.pem --key-type=pem
    ddev rugged add-verification-key root /opt/rugged/root1_pubkey.pem --key-type=pem
  • DO Check that the contents of the partial root metadata conform to expectations:

    ddev rugged show-partial-root-metadata

    This should result in output like:

    Retrieving partial root metadata for version 1 (1.root.json).
    === METADATA ===
    Expires in 364 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes
    === SIGNATURES ===
    Signatures: 0
    Threshold: 1
    === KEYS ===
    root 2/2 (ed25519) keyid:
    root 1/2 (ed25519) keyid:
    timestamp 1/1 (ed25519) keyid:
    targets 1/1 (ed25519) keyid:
    snapshot 1/1 (ed25519) keyid:
    === ROLES ===
    root: 2 of 1 keys (keyids:
    snapshot: 1 of 1 keys (keyid:
    targets: 1 of 1 keys (keyid:
    timestamp: 1 of 1 keys (keyid:

Send partial root metadata for Key-holder signatures

Sign partial root metadata with YubiHSM 2

  • DO Insert the thumb drive into the preparation computer.

  • DO Copy signable-1.root.json to the thumb drive. Eject the thumb drive.

  • DO Insert the thumb drive into the ceremony computer.

  • DO Generate a signature of the partial root metadata:

    $ yubihsm-shell \
        --action=sign-eddsa \
        --object-id=100 \
        --algorithm=ed25519 \
        --in=signable-1.root.json \
        --out=root_signature.bin \
        --outformat=binary \
  • DO Send the signature file (root_signature.bin) back to the TUF Administrator.

Complete generation of root metadata

  • DO Add the signatures:

    $ ddev rugged add-root-signature /opt/rugged/root_pubkey.pem /opt/rugged/root_signature.bin --key-type=pem
    $ ddev rugged add-root-signature /opt/rugged/root1_pubkey.pem /opt/rugged/root1_signature.bin --key-type=pem
  • DO Check that the contents of the now-complete root metadata conform to expectations:

    $ ddev rugged show-partial-root-metadata
  • DO Ensure that output confirma to expectations:

    Retrieving partial root metadata for version 1 (1.root.json).
    === METADATA ===
    Expires in 364 days,
    === SIGNATURES ===
    Signatures: 2
    Threshold: 1
    Signature 1 of 2: signed by root 1/2 -- UNVERIFIED (keyid:
    Signature 2 of 2: signed by root 2/2 -- UNVERIFIED (keyid:
    === KEYS ===
    snapshot 1/1 (ed25519) keyid:
    root 2/2 (ed25519) keyid:
    timestamp 1/1 (ed25519) keyid:
    root 1/2 (ed25519) keyid:
    targets 1/1 (ed25519) keyid:
    === ROLES ===
    root: 2 of 1 keys (keyids:
    snapshot: 1 of 1 keys (keyid:
    targets: 1 of 1 keys (keyid:
    timestamp: 1 of 1 keys (keyid:

Initialize the TUF repo

  • DO Initialize a TUF repo using the generated root metadata:

    $ chown 440 fixtures/tuf_repo/ -R
    $ cp fixtures/tuf_repo/partial/1.root.json fixtures/tuf_repo/metadata/
    $ ddev rugged initialize --local
    Initializing new TUF repository at /var/rugged/tuf_repo.
    warning: No keys found for 'root'.
    warning: Initialized 'root' metadata from disk.
    If you did not intend to initialize with existing 'root' metadata then delete '1.root.json' and re-run this command.
    Updated targets metadata.
    Updated snapshot metadata.
    Updated timestamp metadata.
    TUF repository initialized.
  • DO Validate the resulting TUF repo metadata:

    $ ddev rugged validate metadata
    Metadata for the 'root' role is valid.
    Metadata for the 'timestamp' role is valid.
    Metadata for the 'snapshot' role is valid.
    Metadata for the 'targets' role is valid.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Rugged TUF Server is a trademark of Consensus Enterprises.