The following is a checklist of action items that MUST be completed before the key signing and generation ceremonies may be attempted.
The entire pre-ceremony should take approximately one hour to complete.
Confirm the presence of each of the following:
Optionally, allow for each of the following:
On the preparation computer:
as the format.For each of the YubiHSMs:
Generate a 12-character authentication key password, using a 6-sided die and the following table:
First Roll
1 2 3 4 5 6
S 1 a b c d e f
e 2 g h i j k l
c 3 m n o p q r
o 4 s t u v w x
n 5 y z 0 1 2 3
d 6 4 5 6 7 8 9
(Modified from The Diceware FAQ)
On a new sheet of paper, write down the authentication key password along with the signing body ID.
Fold the paper.
Connect the Raspberry Pi to all peripherals except power and the flash stick.
Connect the Raspberry Pi to power, and confirm boot on the monitor.
Log into the Raspberry Pi on the prompt with the following credentials:
Username: pi
Password: raspberry
Insert the flash storage stick into the Raspberry Pi.
Identify the flash storage stick’s device and confirm that it mounts:
$ sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/ceremony-products -o umask=000
$ sudo umount /media/ceremony-products
Confirm the presence of the following programs, using which
** TODO: Update this with YubuHSM shell binaries **
$ which pkcs11-tool
$ which yubihsm-provision
$ which nitrohsm-provision
Confirm the hash of the yubihsm-provision
binary against the following checksum:
$ shasum -a 256 $(which yubihsm-provision)
Confirm the hash of the nitrohsm-provision
binary against the following checksum:
$ shasum -a 256 $(which nitrohsm-provision)
Power the Raspberry Pi off and disconnect all peripherals except for the microSD card and flash stick.
$ sudo shutdown
Store the Raspberry Pi and attached microSD card and flash stick in a tamper-evident bag.
Ensure that the communication computer’s camera is functional.
Ensure that the communication computer has internet access.
Ensure that the communication computer’s browser is up-to-date.