Pre-ceremony action items

The following is a checklist of action items that MUST be completed before the key signing and generation ceremonies may be attempted.

The entire pre-ceremony should take approximately one hour to complete.


Confirm the presence of each of the following:

  • Exactly one (1) preparation computer
    • The preparation steps below assume that the computer is running macOS
    • This MUST NOT be the same as the ceremony computer, which is listed separately below
  • Exactly one (1) communication computer
    • This MAY be the same as the preparation computer, but MUST NOT be the same as the ceremony computer
  • Exactly one (1) digital camera
    • This MAY be a smartphone in airplane mode.
  • Exactly one (1) external monitor, HDMI compatible
  • Exactly one (1) HDMI cable
  • Exactly one (1) USB keyboard
  • Exactly one (1) microUSB to USB-A cable
  • Exactly one (1) wall socket to USB-A power source, minimum 5V/1A
  • Exactly one (1) Raspberry Pi as the ceremony computer
  • Exactly one (1) microSD flash storage card, minimum 32GB
  • At least one (1) microSD reader with USB interface
  • Exactly three (3) HSMs:
    • Exactly three (3) YubiHSMs, with the following signing body IDs:
      • YubiHSM2-1
      • YubiHSM2-2
      • YubiHSM2-3
  • Exactly one (1) USB flash storage stick, minimum 8GB
  • At least seven (4) tamper-evident bags, including evidence labels
  • At least six (6) sheets of loose-leaf paper
  • At least one (1) permanent marker
  • At least one (1) pair of scissors
  • At least one (1) 6-sided die

Optionally, allow for each of the following:

  • A USB-A extender


Inspect the tamper-evident bags and markers

  • Ensure that the tamper-evident bags are intact.
  • Ensure that the markers are functional and can correctly mark the tamper-evident bags.

Format the flash storage stick

On the preparation computer:

  • Insert the flash storage stick.
  • Open “Disk Utility” and identify the flash storage stick.
  • Click “Unmount” if the flash storage stick is mounted.
  • Click “Erase”.
  • Name the stick “TUF” and select MS-DOS (FAT) as the format.
  • Click “Erase”.
  • Once formatting is complete, click “Unmount”.
  • Remove the flash storage stick from the preparation computer.

Pre-generate HSM passwords and PINs

Pre-generate authentication key passwords for the YubiHSMs

For each of the YubiHSMs:

  • Generate a 12-character authentication key password, using a 6-sided die and the following table:

                  First Roll
             1   2   3   4   5   6
    S  1     a   b   c   d   e   f
    e  2     g   h   i   j   k   l
    c  3     m   n   o   p   q   r
    o  4     s   t   u   v   w   x
    n  5     y   z   0   1   2   3
    d  6     4   5   6   7   8   9

    (Modified from The Diceware FAQ)

  • On a new sheet of paper, write down the authentication key password along with the signing body ID.

  • Fold the paper.

Store the pre-generated passwords and PINs

  • Once all YubiHSM authentication key passwords have been generated and written down, place them, folded, into a tamper-evident bag.
  • Seal the bag.

Test the Raspberry Pi and peripherals

  • Connect the Raspberry Pi to all peripherals except power and the flash stick.

  • Connect the Raspberry Pi to power, and confirm boot on the monitor.

  • Log into the Raspberry Pi on the prompt with the following credentials:

    Username: pi

    Password: raspberry

  • Insert the flash storage stick into the Raspberry Pi.

  • Identify the flash storage stick’s device and confirm that it mounts:

    $ sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/ceremony-products -o umask=000
    $ sudo umount /media/ceremony-products
  • Confirm the presence of the following programs, using which:

** TODO: Update this with YubuHSM shell binaries **

$ which pkcs11-tool
$ which yubihsm-provision
$ which nitrohsm-provision
  1. Confirm the hash of the yubihsm-provision binary against the following checksum:

    • SHA2-256: 27db7eb5c86fec7a5df40fab84cb2e67961524c4a5eec6e3bdc5dac6e62904e9
    $ shasum -a 256 $(which yubihsm-provision)
  2. Confirm the hash of the nitrohsm-provision binary against the following checksum:

    • SHA2-256: 9088da489aa6d1697593ea7a7968f546bee01ba4a555fbb39c643ee44ede6613
    $ shasum -a 256 $(which nitrohsm-provision)
  • Power the Raspberry Pi off and disconnect all peripherals except for the microSD card and flash stick.

    $ sudo shutdown
  • Store the Raspberry Pi and attached microSD card and flash stick in a tamper-evident bag.

Test the ceremony communication computer

  • Ensure that the communication computer’s camera is functional.

  • Ensure that the communication computer has internet access.

  • Ensure that the communication computer’s browser is up-to-date.

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Rugged TUF Server is a trademark of Consensus Enterprises.