
How to update documentation

We maintain the DA-TUF documentation site using Hugo. To get started contributing to this project clone it from Gitlab and install Hugo:

$ git clone --recursive https://gitlab.com/hres/consensus.enterprises/clients/drupal-assoc/tuf
$ cd tuf
$ make hugo        # install Hugo into the project's Drumkit
$ make docs-start  # run the local server

Your local DA-TUF docs site should now be available for browsing: http://localhost:1313/. When you find a typo, an error, unclear or missing explanations or instructions, just start editing. Find the page you’d like to edit; everything is in the docs/content/ directory. Make your changes and commit:

$ vim docs/content/_index.md            # Add/edit/remove whatever you see fit. Be bold!
$ git diff                              # Make sure there aren’t any unintended changes.
diff --git a/docs/content/_index.md b/docs/content/_index.md
$ git commit -am”Fixed docs typo.”      # Useful commit message are a good habit.

To stop the local Hugo server process, you can kill the process:

$ make docs-kill