Running behat features/security/isolated_keys.feature
results in:
@rugged @security @isolated-keys
Feature: Signing keys are isolated from one anothe in separate environments.
In order to keep a TUF systems secure,
As a TUF administrator
I need to ensure that signing keys are kept in isolated environments.
Given I rebuild fixtures
And I run "sudo cp features/fixtures/no_host_headers.yaml /var/rugged/.config/rugged/config.yaml"
Scenario: Each worker only has access to the key(s) needed for its role.
When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged status --worker=root-worker"
Then I should get:
Role Capability
--------- ------------
targets Signing
snapshot Signing
timestamp Signing
root Signing
Key name Role Key type(s) Scheme Path
---------- --------- --------------- -------- --------------------------------------------
targets targets public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/targets/targets
snapshot snapshot public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/snapshot/snapshot
timestamp timestamp public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/timestamp/timestamp
root root public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/root/root
root1 root public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/root/root1
When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged status --worker=timestamp-worker"
Then I should get:
targets Verification
snapshot Verification
timestamp Signing
root Verification
targets targets public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/targets.pub
snapshot snapshot public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/snapshot.pub
timestamp timestamp public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/timestamp/timestamp
root root public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/root.pub
root1 root public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/root1.pub
And I should not get:
targets Signing
snapshot Signing
root Signing
When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged status --worker=snapshot-worker"
Then I should get:
targets Verification
snapshot Signing
timestamp Verification
root Verification
targets targets public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/targets.pub
snapshot snapshot public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/snapshot/snapshot
timestamp timestamp public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/timestamp.pub
root root public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/root.pub
root1 root public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/root1.pub
And I should not get:
targets Signing
timestamp Signing
root Signing
When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged status --worker=targets-worker"
Then I should get:
targets Signing
snapshot Verification
timestamp Verification
root Verification
targets targets public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/targets/targets
snapshot snapshot public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/snapshot.pub
timestamp timestamp public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/timestamp.pub
root root public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/root.pub
root1 root public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/root1.pub
And I should not get:
snapshot Signing
timestamp Signing
root Signing
1 scenario (1 passed)
13 steps (13 passed)