Package release workflow with Monitor Worker

The diagram below illustrates a generic package release workflow with Rugged TUF signing integrated.


sequenceDiagram participant PP as Packaging
Pipeline participant POST as Post-to-TUF
Directory (NFS) participant TUF as Monitor
Worker participant FS as Shared
Filesystem(s) participant TARGETS as Targets
Worker participant SNAPSHOT as Snapshot
Worker participant TIMESTAMP as Timestamp
Worker autonumber activate TUF rect rgba(0, 0, 0, .05) note over POST,TUF: Part 1: Periodic scan for new targets loop Every 5 seconds TUF->>POST: Scan post-to-TUF directory activate POST POST->>TUF: List of post-to-TUF directory contents deactivate POST break If a target is being processed TUF--xTUF: STOP
- - (Allow currently processing target to complete) - - deactivate TUF end activate TUF break If no targets are ready to be processed TUF--xTUF: STOP
- - - - - - - - - - - (Nothing to do) - - - - - - - - - - - - deactivate TUF end end end rect rgba(0, 255, 255, .1) note over PP: Part 2: Regular packaging pipeline activate PP PP->>PP: Clone code PP->>PP: Build package note right of PP: <PACKAGE>-<VERSION>.zip PP->>PP: Generate package
metadata note right of PP: <PACKAGE>.json end rect rgba(255, 0, 0, .1) note over PP,TUF: Part 3: Post to TUF PP->>PP: Generate timestamp PP->>POST: Create unique temporary directory activate POST note left of POST: tuf_tmp_<TIMESTAMP>/ loop Every 5 seconds TUF->>POST: Scan post-to-TUF directory activate TUF POST->>TUF: List of post-to-TUF directory contents break If no targets are ready TUF--xTUF: STOP
- - (Monitor worker only looks for 'tuf_ready_') - - deactivate TUF end end PP->>POST: Copy target files to directory
(across network filesystem boundary) PP->>POST: Rename temporary directory deactivate PP deactivate POST note left of POST: tuf_ready_<TIMESTAMP>/ loop Every 5 seconds TUF->>POST: Scan post-to-TUF directory activate TUF activate POST POST->>TUF: List of post-to-TUF directory contents deactivate POST break If another target is being processed TUF--xTUF: STOP
- - (Allow currently processing target to complete) - - deactivate TUF end end end rect rgba(0, 255, 0, .1) note over POST,FS: Part 4: Prepare inbound targets loop Every 5 seconds TUF->>POST: Scan post-to-TUF directory activate TUF activate POST POST->>TUF: List of post-to-TUF directory contents TUF-->TUF: No currently processing targets critical Ready target is detected TUF->>POST: Rename directory to indicate processing note right of POST: tuf_processing_<TIMESTAMP>/ POST->>FS: Create processing directory in inbound directory activate FS note left of FS: tuf_processing_<TIMESTAMP>/ TUF->>POST: POST->>FS: Move target files
to inbound processing directory
(across network filesystem boundary) TUF->>FS: Move target files
from inbound processing directory
to inbound directory TUF->>FS: Delete inbound processing directory TUF->>TARGETS: Trigger signing of target files activate TARGETS end end end rect rgba(0, 0, 0, .05) note over TUF,TIMESTAMP: Part 5: Regular TUF signing TARGETS->>FS: Scan inbound directory loop For each target file FS-->>TARGETS: Read target file TARGETS->>TARGETS: Update Targets metadata
(with signature of target file) end TARGETS->>TARGETS: Sign Targets metadata TARGETS-->>FS: Write updated Targets metadata note right of FS: targets.json TARGETS->>TUF: Return status deactivate TARGETS TUF->>SNAPSHOT: Trigger Snapshot update activate SNAPSHOT SNAPSHOT->>SNAPSHOT: Update and sign
Snapshot metadata SNAPSHOT-->>FS: Write updated Snapshot metadata note right of FS: snapshot.json SNAPSHOT ->>TUF: Return status deactivate SNAPSHOT TUF->>TIMESTAMP: Trigger Timestamp update activate TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP->>TIMESTAMP: Update and sign
Timestamp metadata TIMESTAMP-->>FS: Write updated Timestamp metadata note right of FS: timestamp.json TIMESTAMP->>TUF: Return status deactivate FS deactivate TIMESTAMP end rect rgba(0, 0, 0, .05) note over POST,TUF: Part 6: Clean up and release semaphore TUF->>POST: Delete processing directory deactivate POST deactivate TUF end
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Rugged TUF Server is a trademark of Consensus Enterprises.