Feature: Command to print Rugged config.

Test results for features/commands/config.feature

Running behat features/commands/config.feature results in:

@rugged @commands @config @root-worker @snapshot-worker @targets-worker @test-worker @timestamp-worker
Feature: Command to print Rugged config.
  In order to ensure that Rugged is properly configured
  As an administrator
  I need to read the configuration of Rugged's components.

    Given I reset Rugged

  Scenario: Print config.
    When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged config"
    Then I should get:
      === Configuration for local operations ===
      %(asctime)s %(levelname)s (%(module)s.%(funcName)s): %(message)s
      === Configuration for root-worker ===
      === Configuration for snapshot-worker ===
      === Configuration for targets-worker ===
      === Configuration for test-worker ===
      === Configuration for timestamp-worker ===

  Scenario: Print local config.
    When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged config --local"
    Then I should get:
      === Configuration for local operations ===
    Then I should not get:
      === Configuration for root-worker ===
      === Configuration for snapshot-worker ===
      === Configuration for targets-worker ===
      === Configuration for test-worker ===
      === Configuration for timestamp-worker ===

  Scenario: Print a worker's config.
    When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged config --worker=test-worker"
    Then I should get:
      === Configuration for test-worker ===
    Then I should not get:
      === Configuration for local operations ===
      === Configuration for root-worker ===
      === Configuration for snapshot-worker ===
      === Configuration for targets-worker ===
      === Configuration for timestamp-worker ===

  Scenario: Print multiple workers' configs.
    When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged config --worker=test-worker --worker=targets-worker"
    Then I should get:
      === Configuration for test-worker ===
      === Configuration for targets-worker ===
    Then I should not get:
      === Configuration for local operations ===
      === Configuration for root-worker ===
      === Configuration for snapshot-worker ===
      === Configuration for timestamp-worker ===

4 scenarios (4 passed)
15 steps (15 passed)
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Rugged TUF Server is a trademark of Consensus Enterprises.