Running behat features/commands/status.feature
results in:
@rugged @commands @status @test-worker
Feature: Command to print repo status.
In order to ensure that the repo is working properly
As an administrator
I need to read the status of the repo.
Given I rebuild fixtures
Scenario: Print status of a non-functional repo.
Given I reset Rugged
When I fail to run "sudo -u rugged rugged status"
Then I should get:
error: TypeError thrown in _get_repo_keys_for_root_role: 'bool' object is not subscriptable
error: RuggedMetadataError thrown in __init__: Failed to generate key metadata during TUF repository initialization.
error: Failed to instantiate repository.
error: RuggedRepositoryError thrown in status_cmd: The repository could not load a repository at the given path.
error: Failed to instantiate repository.
Check the logs for more detailed error reporting.
Scenario: Print local status.
When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged status --local"
Then I should get:
=== Repository status for local operations ===
Targets Total Size
--------- ------------
3 228.3 kB
Role Capability Signatures Version TUF Spec Expires
--------- ------------ ------------ --------- ---------- -------------------
targets Signing 1 / 1 2 1.0.28
snapshot Signing 1 / 1 2 1.0.28
timestamp Signing 1 / 1 2 1.0.28
root Signing 2 / 1 1 1.0.28
Key name Role Key type(s) Scheme Path
---------- --------- --------------- -------- --------------------------------------------
targets targets public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/targets/targets
snapshot snapshot public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/snapshot/snapshot
timestamp timestamp public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/timestamp/timestamp
root root public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/root/root
root1 root public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/root/root1
Then I should not get:
=== Repository status for root-worker ===
=== Repository status for targets-worker ===
=== Repository status for snapshot-worker ===
=== Repository status for test-worker ===
=== Repository status for timestamp-worker ===
Scenario: Print a worker's status.
When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged status --worker=test-worker"
Then I should get:
=== Repository status for test-worker ===
Targets Total Size
--------- ------------
3 228.3 kB
Role Capability Signatures Version TUF Spec Expires
--------- ------------ ------------ --------- ---------- -------------------
targets Signing 1 / 1 2 1.0.28
snapshot Verification 1 / 1 2 1.0.28
timestamp Verification 1 / 1 2 1.0.28
root Verification 2 / 1 1 1.0.28
Key name Role Key type(s) Scheme Path
---------- --------- --------------- -------- -------------------------------------------
targets targets public, private ed25519 /var/rugged/signing_keys/targets/targets
snapshot snapshot public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/snapshot.pub
timestamp timestamp public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/timestamp.pub
root root public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/root.pub
root1 root public ed25519 /var/rugged/verification_keys/root1.pub
Then I should not get:
=== Repository status for local operations ===
=== Repository status for root-worker ===
=== Repository status for snapshot-worker ===
=== Repository status for targets-worker ===
=== Repository status for timestamp-worker ===
Scenario: Print multiple workers' statuses.
When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged status --worker=test-worker --worker=targets-worker"
Then I should get:
=== Repository status for test-worker ===
=== Repository status for targets-worker ===
Then I should not get:
=== Repository status for local operations ===
=== Repository status for root-worker ===
=== Repository status for snapshot-worker ===
=== Repository status for timestamp-worker ===
Scenario: Print overall status.
When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged status"
Then I should get:
=== Repository status for local operations ===
=== Repository status for root-worker ===
=== Repository status for snapshot-worker ===
=== Repository status for targets-worker ===
=== Repository status for test-worker ===
=== Repository status for timestamp-worker ===
5 scenarios (5 passed)
19 steps (19 passed)