Running behat features/composer/satis-composer.feature
results in:
@satis @composer
Feature: Local Composer package repository
In order to test the TUF implementation
As a developer
I need to ensure that Satis is installed and working
Given I run "make reset-satis"
And I am in the "satis" directory
Scenario: Satis is installed.
Given I run "rm -rf satis/vendor"
And I run "rm -rf satis/bin"
When I run "composer install"
Then I should get:
Installing dependencies from lock file
When I try to run "bin/satis --version"
Then I should get:
Satis 1.
Scenario: Build Satis repo.
When I try to run "bin/satis build"
Then I should not get:
File not found: ./satis.json
Deprecation warning: Your package name
is invalid, it should have a vendor name, a forward slash, and a package name.
Then I should get:
Scanning packages
Writing packages.json
Pruning include directories
Writing web view
Scenario: Composer can access a Satis repo.
Given I run "bin/satis build"
And I am in the "../d9-site" directory
And the file "composer.json" contains:
"url": "http://packages.ddev.site"
When I run "composer config --list | grep repositories"
Then I should get:
Scenario: Composer can install a package from a Satis repo.
Given I run "bin/satis build"
And I am in the "../d9-site" directory
And the file "composer.json" contains:
"url": "http://packages.ddev.site"
And I run "composer install"
Then I should get:
- Locking drupal/token (1.9.0)
Installing drupal/token (1.9.0): Extracting archive
And the following files should exist:
4 scenarios (4 passed)
28 steps (28 passed)