
Feature: Host headers in command output can be disabled.

Test results for features/misc/host_headers.feature

Running behat features/misc/host_headers.feature results in:

@rugged @cli @host-headers
Feature: Host headers in command output can be disabled.
  In order to more easily test command output,
  As a Rugged developer
  I need to be able to disable host headers in a config file.

    Given I rebuild fixtures

  Scenario: Host headers are enabled by default, but can be disabled.
    When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged status"
    Then I should get:
      === Repository status for root-worker ===
      === Repository status for timestamp-worker ===
      === Repository status for snapshot-worker ===
      === Repository status for targets-worker ===
    Given I run "sudo cp features/fixtures/no_host_headers.yaml /var/rugged/.config/rugged/config.yaml"
    When I run "sudo -u rugged rugged status"
    Then I should not get:
      === Repository status for root-worker ===
      === Repository status for timestamp-worker ===
      === Repository status for snapshot-worker ===
      === Repository status for targets-worker ===

1 scenario (1 passed)
6 steps (6 passed)