Docker container images

Background on Docker container images

For the purposes of local development, we use Docker container images within a DDEV framework to model a networked architecture with the following agents represented by containers:

  • rabbitmq - the message broker, isolated and accessible by the rest of the system.
  • packaging-pipeline - the frontend “client”, representing both the packaging pipeline and the Composer client a Drupal site builder would use.
  • test-worker - the “template” worker container, which splits into the 3 signing workers in the architecture
    • delegated-targets-signer
    • timestamp-signer
    • snapshot-signer


We use Packer to build container images, primarily because it is more flexible for provisioning than standard Dockerfiles, but also because it can be leveraged to build any number of other “types” of containers (eg. AWS machine images), if need be.

Provisioning: Ansible & Shell scripts

The Packer JSON configs in build/packer/docker delegate to a series of shell scripts and Ansible playbooks to do the actual provisioning within each container image.

The build/packer/scripts consist primarily of apt commands to install necessary system packages into the containers, as well as some cleanup.

The build/ansible folder contains Playbooks that trigger tasks within our tuf.workers role to set up system users, directories and permissions, to place the Python code within the containers, and to configure Supervisor to manage the Celery workers running as a service.

Here again, the goal of these provisioning scripts is that they can be reused in other contexts. In particular, we can apply these same Ansible and Shell provisioning scripts to whatever the production environment looks like.

Container registry

We leverage GitLab’s built-in container registry service to house these Docker images:

These containers are in turn pulled into the DDEV environment via Docker Compose configs in .ddev/docker-compose.*.yml, as well as in GitLab CI


For more details about the structure of these components, see the reference section on Docker container images.

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